British Columbia Passenger - 12th Series

Plate Reporter Date
922 KXX Martin Houle 8/30/15
868 KXX E. Morgan 3/26/09
099 JXL Adriaan Bergink 7/30/08
050 JPV E. Morgan 6/27/08
204 HWM E. Morgan 6/02/08
004 EXN David Brown 12/01/07
003 DPX Adriaan Bergink 8/13/07
829 CRL Adriaan Bergink 6/24/07
922 KXX

ALL - AXX, BLL - BXX, CLL - CXX, etc., through KLL - KXX.

Upon reaching 999 KXX, the next series should begin at 000 LAA if BC follows the pattern. See the notes at the top of the page for more information regarding the sequence of issue.