British Columbia Passenger - 13th Series

Plate Reporter Date
999 XKK E. Morgan 4/12/15
996 XKK Jeff Banerd 7/09/13
973 XKK Paul Breland 6/17/13
355 XKK Paul Breland 4/23/13
305 XKK Paul Breland 2/01/13
021 XKK E. Morgan 4/19/12
777 XKJ E. Morgan 5/17/10
039 XHJ David Brown 5/12/10
546 XHD Jeff Banerd 5/07/10
156 XHD Jeff Banerd 5/06/10
021 XGJ E. Morgan 4/21/10
340 XEH E. Morgan 4/10/10
076 XCJ Milan Kenjalo 3/29/10
585 XCB Adriaan Bergink 3/17/10
999 XKK

LAA - LKK, NAA - NKK, PAA - PKK, etc., through XAA - XKK.

This high is the last possible plate in the 13th series.

The series progressed from TKK to WAA since the letter U is not used, and the V series is used for Veteran.

From E. Morgan: XKK with November 2012 natural expiry with no sheeting hologram spotted on a newer rental car. This should have been a mid to late 2011 natural if it was issued in sequence. There were numerous high XKJ and low LJL plates but this was the first and only XKK observation, suggesting the series was held back for some reason.